Support rail.
We need your active support.
Be pro rail.
less air pollution,
less CO2 emissions.
less road accidents,
Protect the environment.
Every ton of goods carried by rail means:
A long-term transport policy
Equal rights for ALL train operating companies
That’s what we expect!
a modern railway
Each transport
for all citizens.
mode is equally important
UE infrastructure investment targets:
60% for rail 40% for road

Optimally developed and efficient transport infrastructure constitutes the basis for economic growth in Europea

ProKolej: Rail crossings are also the problem of roads manger

ProKolej foundation emphasizes need of permanent law enforcement and ensure proportional costs allocation of construction, reconstruction, repair, maintenance and operation of rail-road crossings between railway and road infrastructure managers.

Polish presentation from the conference "Rail-road crossings 2015":

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EU Parliament upholds ban on megatrucks

March 11 2015 the European parliament in Strasburg passed new directives for the dimensions and weight of heavy goods vehicles. The parliamentarians upheld the ban on cross-border journeys by oversized HGVs, also known as LHVs or gigaliners. In contrast, they approved a new type of HGV design with a rounded driver’s cab, which is intended to improve traffic safety for cyclists and pedestrians.

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MIR is asking regarding cost reduction of track rates

The Presidents of the Chamber of Commerce and Land Transport, ProKolej, CZT and the Association of Independent Railway Carriers asked Maria Wasiak, Minister of Infrastructure and Development, for information regarding plans for further track rates reduction

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